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Knie stut

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Rehabilitasie handskoen
Knie stut
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Skarnier Gewrig

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TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery
TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery

TJ-KM010 Professionele Mediese Graad Verstelbare Knie Gewrig Rehabilitasie Fiksasie Stent vir optimale ondersteuning stabiliteit en gemak tydens herstel

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TJ-KM010 Professionele Mediese Graad Verstelbare Knie Gewrig Rehabilitasie Fiksasie Stent vir optimale ondersteuning, stabiliteit en gemak tydens herstel


Die TJ-KM010 Professionele Mediese Graad Verstelbare Knie Gesamentlike Rehabilitasie Fiksasie Stent staan aan die voorpunt van innoverende mediese tegnologie en bied ongekende ondersteuning, stabiliteit en gemak vir individue wat kniegewrigrehabilitasie ondergaan. Hierdie mediese graad toestel is ontwerp om optimale fiksasie en verstelbaarheid te bied, wat voldoen aan die unieke behoeftes van elke gebruiker gedurende hul herstelreis.

Belangrike kenmerke

  1. Mediese graadmateriaal:Die TJ-KM010, vervaardig uit hoë gehalte, mediese graad materiale, verseker maksimum gemak en duursaamheid, selfs met uitgebreide gebruik. Die materiaal is hipoallergeen en asemhaalbaar, wat verlengde slytasie sonder ongemak moontlik maak.
  2. Verstelbare ontwerp:Die stent se verstelbare ontwerp maak voorsiening vir 'n pasgemaakte pasvorm, wat verskillende beengroottes en -vorms akkommodeer. Dit verseker dat die gebruiker geteikende ondersteuning en stabilisering ontvang, ongeag hul been se unieke kontoere.
  3. Verbeterde ondersteuning en stabiliteit:Die TJ-KM010 is ontwerp om uitsonderlike ondersteuning en stabiliteit aan die kniegewrig te bied, wat noodsaaklik is tydens rehabilitasie. Sy ergonomiese ontwerp kontoere na die been, bied 'n veilige pasvorm wat die risiko van gly of verskuiwing tydens gebruik verminder.
  4. Gebruikersvriendelike werking:Die stent beskik oor 'n intuïtiewe aanpassingsmeganisme waarmee gebruikers die pas maklik sonder hulp kan aanpas. Dit verseker dat gebruikers hul rehabilitasieproses onafhanklik kan bestuur, wat 'n gevoel van outonomie en beheer bevorder.
  5. Geriefsgerigte ontwerp:Aandag aan detail in die stent se ontwerp verseker maksimum gemak tydens verlengde dra. Vulling by belangrike kontakpunte en gladde, naatlose rande voorkom skaaf en ongemak, waardeur gebruikers kan fokus op hul herstel sonder afleiding.


Die TJ-KM010 Professionele Mediese Graad Verstelbare Knie Gesamentlike Rehabilitasie fiksasie Stent bied talle voordele vir gebruikers wat knierehabilitasie ondergaan:

  • Versnelde herstel:Deur geteikende ondersteuning en stabiliteit aan die kniegewrig te bied, kan die stent gebruikers help om mobiliteit en krag vinniger te herwin, wat moontlik die hersteltyd verminder.
  • Verminderde risiko van besering:Die stent se veilige pas en verstelbaarheid verminder die risiko van verdere besering of spanning aan die kniegewrig, wat die gebruiker se gesondheid en veiligheid tydens die rehabilitasieproses beskerm.
  • Verbeterde nakoming:Die gemak en gemak van die gebruik van die TJ-KM010 kan die gebruiker se nakoming van rehabilitasieprotokolle verhoog, wat lei tot beter uitkomste en 'n gladder herstelproses.
  • Verbeterde lewenskwaliteit:Deur die kniegewrig tydens rehabilitasie te ondersteun, kan die stent gebruikers help om hul onafhanklikheid te herwin en hul algehele lewensgehalte te verbeter.


Die TJ-KM010 is ideaal vir individue wat herstel van 'n wye verskeidenheid kniebeserings of operasies, insluitend:

  • Knie ligament trane (ACL, MCL, LCL)
  • Meniskus beserings
  • Knievervangings of hersienings
  • Frakture of trauma aan die kniegewrig
  • Post-chirurgiese rehabilitasie na knieprosedures


Die TJ-KM010 Professionele Mediese Graad Verstelbare Knie Gesamentlike Rehabilitasie Fiksasie Stent verteenwoordig 'n beduidende vooruitgang in knierehabilitasie tegnologie. Die kombinasie van mediese graad materiale, verstelbare ontwerp en geriefsgerigte kenmerke maak dit 'n onontbeerlike hulpmiddel vir individue wat optimale ondersteuning, stabiliteit en gemak soek tydens hul herstelproses. Of jy nou 'n terapeut is wat jou pasiënte se rehabilitasie-ervaring wil verbeter of 'n individu wat jou mobiliteit en krag wil herwin, die TJ-KM010 is 'n uitstekende keuse vir jou knierehabilitasiebehoeftes.

Plek van oorsprong




Model nommer


Toepaslike mense




Beskerming klas

Professionele beskerming

Produk naam

Anti-slip rubber skarnier knie ondersteuning






Stabilisator gesamentlike kniestut vir herstel van beserings




Beskerming, stut


Hoek verstelbaar


Kleinhandel, aangepas

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery supplier

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery manufacture

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery supplier

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery details

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery supplier

TJ-KM010 Professional Medical Grade Adjustable Knee Joint Rehabilitation Fixation Stent For Optimal Support Stability And Comfort During Recovery manufacture

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