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univerzální gelová obložka pro umělé končetiny

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Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
název výrobku
protetické gélové obložení
bezpečnostní zařízení v koupelně
metoda jednorázového balení
Vnější obal z vlnového materiálu + barevná krabice (včetně obložení)
gel s vysokou hustotou
3/6 mm
hmotnost jednotky
0,8 kg
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs factory
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs factory
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs details
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs manufacture
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs details
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs factory
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs supplier
Prosthetic Factory's Universal Gel Liner with Locking ALPS Orthotics Type for Artificial Limbs manufacture

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