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tj017 den rygsøjle, som den ortopediske kirurg anbefaler, bruges til at rette og støtte rygsøjlen

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TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
tj017 den rygsøjle, som den ortopediske kirurg anbefaler, bruges til at rette og støtte rygsøjlen
aluminiumlegering, nylonstof, bindemidler osv.
af trikotage
rygoperation og postoperativ fasciering; rygskade, dislokation, rygsammenslagskontraktur, muskelstyrkegenvinning
Tilpasset logo accepterer
Alle farver er ok.
1par/opp-pose eller kundemasking
universel størrelse, justerbar længde
t/t d/p lic paypai Western Union
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture

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2. hvordan man afgiver en ordre, og hvordan vil det foregå?
1. kontakt os for at bekræfte dit design/produkter.
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3. prøve bekræftet.
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6. saldobetaling bekræftet.
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Kan du lave et specielt design til mig?
Vi er glade for at hjælpe vores kunder med at lave deres unikke produkter.
- Det er ikke rigtigt.
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Vi kan tilbyde en prøve gratis, men køberen skal betale for leveringen. Vi vil også gerne bekræfte prøveoplysningerne med kunderne.
før produktionen for at sikre, at alt er rigtigt.

TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier

TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details


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Tai Jie

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