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tj-fm012 ortopedinen lääketieteellinen ilma-kävelijä säätöomainen rom-käyräpuoli kävelykengä, jolla on nayloni- ja neopreeniaine suoja hajouksista

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TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
Tuotteen nimi:
tj-fm012 ortopediset säätöomaiset hammaslennoketjut Air Cam Walker Boot Frakturot Ortopediset lääketieteelliset Air Walkerit
Alumiinilevy, korkeakysyisyyden velcro
noin 0,9 kg
synteettisen nilkkaluukon epävakauden konservatiivinen hoito, nilkkaluukon murtuman korjaus ja korjaus,
nilkkavammat, nilkka- rekurvatumin tauti jne.
* Uusi teleskooppiohjaiset säätövoimat ja erittäin laaja asennusmahdollisuus
*Alumiiniseoksesta valmistettu solmu, kiinnitys ja vakaus
* yksinkertaisesti pyörittää ja painaa lukitusasetusta, tuote on jaettu neljään eritelmään xl, l, m, s* tuote on
suojella loukkaantun nilkan kaikkia näkökohtia
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory

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