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tj017 ortopedisen kirurgin suosittelema selkänoja käytetään selkärangan korjaamiseen ja tukeen

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TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
Tuotteen nimi:
tj017 ortopedisen kirurgin suosittelema selkänoja käytetään selkärangan korjaamiseen ja tukeen
Alumiinilevy, naylonikaappi, sidos jne.
selkäleikkaus ja leikkauksen jälkeinen kiinnitys; selkävammat, luistuminen, selkäyhteiden kontraktuuri, lihasvoiman palauttaminen
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1 pari/pakkauspakkaus tai asiakaspakkaus
yleiset mitat, säädettyä pituutta,
T/t d/p lic paypai Western Union
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine factory
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture

1. Oletko valmistaja vai kauppias?
Taijie on valmistaja, jolla on oma tehdas.
2.Miten tilaus tehdään ja miten se tehdään?
1. ota yhteyttä vahvistamaan suunnitelmasi/tuotteesi.
2. Neuvottelut tilausten vahvistamisesta.
3. Näyte vahvistettu.
4. vakuusmaksu.
5. tuotannon aloittaminen ja säännöllinen raportointi.
6. saldo on vahvistettu.
7. tuotteet lastataan ja lähetetään maallesi/satamaan.

- Voisitko tehdä minulle erikoisuunnittelun?
- Kyllä, autamme asiakkaitamme tekemään ainutlaatuisia tuotteita.
-Tämä on hyvä.
Voitteko antaa meille ilmaisia näytteitä?
Näyte voidaan tarjota ilmaiseksi, mutta ostajan on kannettava toimituskustannukset. Haluamme myös vahvistaa näytteiden tiedot asiakkaiden kanssa.
ennen tuotantoa varmistaakseni, että kaikki on kunnossa.

TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine manufacture
TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine supplier

TJ017 The back brace recommended by the orthopedic surgeon is used to correct and support the spine details

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