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Km012 profesional ortopedi pengikat lutut berhalangan yang dapat disesuaikan bahan katun-nylon untuk perlindungan dan rehabilitasi orang dewasa

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KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults manufacture
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults manufacture
nama produk:
Km012 profesional ortopedi pengikat lutut berhalangan yang dapat disesuaikan bahan katun-nylon untuk perlindungan dan rehabilitasi orang dewasa
paduan aluminium, kain nilon, pengikat dan sebagainya
▲Bungkus sisi klip cepat memungkinkan aplikasi dan penghapusan penjepit dengan mudah.
▲Rom engsel dapat diperpanjang dan membengkok pada 0 ~ 120 ° sesuai dengan tindakan tubuh manusia, dengan super manusia pas.
▲tongkat paduan, kekuatan tinggi dan berat ringan.
▲panjang batang teleskopik dapat diatur dalam 19 ~ 24 ", pengaturan tetap, operasi sederhana.
Daerah penerapan:
▲ketidakstabilan sendi lutut sintetis
▲kecederaan ligamen lutut, patah sendi lutut
▲kecederaan lutut diperbaiki pasca operasi
▲Fratura patella, dislokasi, cedera meniskus, penyakit genu recurvatum dll
layanan yang disesuaikan
logo, warna dan pengaturan kemasan dapat diterima untuk pesanan batch
Nomor warna pantone apa pun tidak apa-apa
1 pasang/tas op
Ukuran universal, panjang yang dapat disesuaikan
T/t d/p paypai Western Union
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults supplier
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults supplier
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults supplier
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults manufacture
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults factory
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults factory
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults factory
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults factory
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults details
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults manufacture
KM012 Professional Orthopedic Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Cotton-Nylon Material for Protection and Rehabilitation for Adults factory

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