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tj-fm001 ankle brace support stabilizer ortosis walking boot untuk meringankan nyeri pergelangan kaki dan melindungi kaki dengan kekuatan tinggi

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nama produk:
tj-fm001 ankle brace support stabilizer ankle foot orthosis brace untuk meringankan nyeri pergelangan kaki melindungi kaki dengan kekuatan tinggi
paduan aluminium, kain nilon, pengikat dan sebagainya
▲kaki nilon tahan benturan dengan lapisan busa yang bisa dilepas.
▲sistem kantong udara yang dapat disesuaikan dengan pompa integral untuk kompresi tambahan.
▲ideal untuk pasien dengan patah tulang, bisul diabetes dan operasi bunion pasca operasi.
▲liner diikat pada tiang tegak dengan sentuhan luas dan pengikat yang erat.
▲sesuai baik kiri atau kanan.
Daerah penerapan:
▲cocok untuk penstabilisasi pergelangan kaki pasca operasi, fraktur fraktur pergelangan kaki, cedera jaringan lunak dan ligamen.
layanan yang disesuaikan
logo, warna dan pengaturan kemasan dapat diterima untuk pesanan batch
Nomor warna pantone apa pun tidak apa-apa
1 pasang/tas op
Ukuran universal, panjang yang dapat disesuaikan
T/t d/p paypai Western Union
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength factory
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength factory
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength supplier
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength factory
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength details
TJ-FM001 Ankle Brace Support Stabilizer Orthosis walking Boot to Relief Ankle Pain and protect the foot with High Strength manufacture

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