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tj-fm012 ortopedico medico air walker regolabile con cerniera a rom con scarpe da camminata con protezione da fratture in nylon e neoprene

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TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
nome del prodotto:
tj-fm012 ortopedica regolabile con cerniera per camminare stivali a air cam walker frattura di stivale ortopedico medico air walker
legatura di alluminio, velcro ad alta viscosità
circa 0,9 kg
adatti per
trattamento conservativo dell' instabilità articolare della caviglia sintetica, correzione e riparazione della frattura articolare della caviglia,
lesioni alla caviglia, malattia del recurvatum alla caviglia ecc.
caratteristiche principali
* nuove cerniere regolabili per telescopi con impostazione a gamma super ampia
* cerniera in lega di alluminio, fissaggio e stabilità
* basta ruotare e premere la regolazione di blocco, il prodotto è diviso in quattro specifiche xl, l,m, s* il prodotto è gonfiabile a
proteggere la caviglia ferita in tutti gli aspetti
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection details
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection manufacture
TJ-FM012 Orthopedic Medical Air Walker Adjustable ROM Hinged Walking Boot with Nylon and Neoprene Material Fracture Protection factory

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