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tj-km003 ortopedinis medicinos kelio strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo

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TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support manufacture
produkto pavadinimas:
tj-km003 ortopedinis medicinos kelio strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo strypo
aliuminio lydinio, nailoninio audinio, rišimo ir pan.
▲greitas šoninis klipas leidžia lengvai pritaikyti ir pašalinti strypą.
▲Romo jungtis gali būti ištempta ir suilginta 0 ~ 120 ° pagal žmogaus kūno veikimą, su viršžmogišku pritaikymu.
▲sūrupučių lazdos, didelės stiprybės ir lengvo svorio.
▲teleskopinės strypio ilgis gali būti reguliuojamas 19 ~ 24 ", fiksuotas nustatymas, paprastas veikimas.
Taikomoji sritis:
▲sintezinis kelio sąnarių nestabilumas
▲Kelnų sąnarių sužalojimas, kelio sąnarių lūžimas
▲ pooperacijos apsivalyti kelio sužalojimai
▲patelės lūžis, ištraukimas, menisko sužalojimas, genu recurvatum liga ir kt.
individualios paslaugos
logotipas, spalvos ir pakuotės nustatymas yra priimtinas partijų užsakymams
Bet koks spalvos numeris yra gerai
1 poros / op. maišelis
universalioji dydis, reguliuojamas ilgis
t/t d/p paypai Western Union
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support supplier
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support manufacture
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support factory
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support manufacture
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support factory
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support manufacture
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support supplier
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support supplier
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support factory
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support details
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support factory
TJ-KM003 Orthopedic Medical Knee Brace Post-Op Protection with Adjustable Angle Nylon Material Comfortable Leg Support manufacture

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