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tj-km013 reguliuojamas neopreninis ortopedinis kelio strypio palaikymas stabilizatorius reabilitacijai ir apsaugai

  • aprašymas
Ar yra kokia nors problema?<br>Prašome susisiekti su mumis, kad galėtume jums tarnauti!

Ar yra kokia nors problema?
Prašome susisiekti su mumis, kad galėtume jums tarnauti!

TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection manufacture
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection details
produkto pavadinimas:
tj-km013 reguliuojamas neopreninis ortopedinis kelio strypio palaikymas stabilizatorius reabilitacijai ir apsaugai
aliuminio lydinio, nailoninio audinio, rišimo ir pan.
iš megztinių
Ženklo sąnarių operacija ir pooperacinis fiksavimas; kelio lūžis, kelio sąnarių sąnario
Neatsparumas, sužalojimas, ištraukimas, kelio sąnarų kontrakcija, raumenų stiprumo atkūrimas
Pasirinktas logotipas priimtinas
Bet koks spalvos numeris yra gerai
1 poros/pakėlio arba kliento pakuotės
universalioji dydis, reguliuojamas ilgis,
t/t d/p lic paypai Western Union
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection factory
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection supplier
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection details
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection supplier
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection factory
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection factory
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection supplier
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection manufacture
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection details
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection manufacture
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection supplier
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection details
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection details
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection factory
TJ-KM013 Adjustable Neoprene Orthopedic Knee Brace Support Stabilizer for Rehabilitation and Protection factory

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