Home based rehabilitation process with Taijie is efficient but not ineffective. Our equipment is synced with mobile applications where users are directed on workouts personalized to them while monitoring the progress in real-time. This level of interaction enhances commitment, self-reliance, and hastens recovery timescale. Taijie’s portable solutions make home rehabilitation effortlessly seamless as an extension of clinical care given by professional medical practitioners
Taijie’s efforts to change rehab methods go beyond conventional approaches. Our tools have smart sensors and interactive interfaces that provide real-time information for therapists to adjust treatments while allowing patients to easily monitor their progress. This scientific advancement improves rehabilitation by involving the patients much more in their own recovery process, thus transforming it into an interactive journey of self-rehabilitation. With restoration, impulse, invention as its basis, Taijie provides a path towards complete healing.
Taijie’s every recovery tool by sport is specifically made to bring athletes back to optimal performance as early as possible minimizing the chances of recurrence. They are enabled with trainers who can copy sports specific moves so as to make the rehab process geared towards readiness for game play accurate and flexible tools. Taijie’s portable solutions make home rehabilitation seamless extension of clinical care.erates recovery timelines. Through its portable solutions, Taijie has helped ensure that patients can be effectively rehabilitated from home without having them wait for days or weeks on end at the hospital.
Through Taijie’s community oriented equipment, there is a feeling of togetherness and collective achievements. Thus, we make therapy a cooperation journey rather than an individual boring affair. Our designs promote psychological well-being as well as physical healing through communication and team spirit. This means that by participating in group therapy, Taijie’s equipment can only reinforce the axiom that together, we get well soon and better as well as stronger!
東莞泰傑リハビリテーション機器有限公司 (Dongguan Taijie Rehabilitation Equipment Co., Ltd.)医療機器、リハビリテーション、スポーツ会社に従事する専門家で、広東省東莞市青渓町にあり、3500平方メートル以上の面積をカバーし、工場には152人の従業員がいます。医療機器やリハビリテーション機器の販売、開発、製造に12年の経験があります。工場はISO13485を通過しました。製品はCEおよびFDA認証に合格しています。すべての製品は、関連する医療システムISO13485品質管理認証基準に従って製造されており、世界の医療およびスポーツ界で高い評価を得ています。