Taijie's Rehabilitation Robot Gloves are delicately composed of high-quality materials which are also breathable and hypoallergenic, guaranteeing long-term wearing without any twinge or irritation. The gloves have been designed ergonomically to fit firmly on the hands hence providing optimal support during the therapeutic sessions. Furthermore, they can be easily carried around and utilized with ease hence perfectly suited to both therapists as well as people seeking home based rehabilitation.
The strength in Taijie’s Rehabilitation Robot Gloves comes from the capabilities enabled by its smart integration function. These gloves have modern sensors that help gauge hand movements accurately, thus modifying therapy intensity accordingly. Such intelligent systems make it possible for one to rehabilitate hands in a way that is tailor-made whereby each user has their unique needs and goals for which they require specialized treatment plans.
しかし、神経学的リハビリテーションには、神経可塑性のための一定かつ正確な刺激が必要です。 泰捷のリハビリテーションロボット手袋が満たす要件。 このため、私たちの手袋は、神経系に働きかけ、損傷したニューロンの治癒と再配線を促進する自然な手の動きを再現するスムーズで制御された動きを使用しています。
Taijieのロボット手袋は、技術の進歩を治療戦略に取り入れたいセラピストに最適です。 手袋が提供する運動の範囲と強度レベルは、さまざまな回復段階の患者に適しています。 この柔軟性により、泰捷のロボット手袋は、神経リハビリテーションにおいて最高の患者転帰を伴う個別化治療を求める専門家にとって非常に貴重なツールとなっています。
As such, patients can continue with their therapy schedule using these robot gloves as they are portable and easy to operate. Furthermore, it gives an impression that normal life is still continuing even while treatments go on at home just like any other clinical setting would do. Therapy sessions become part of daily routine through the use of Taijie’s robot gloves thus creating a consistent environment for effective healing.
These gloves are therefore ideal for anyone who has had a stroke or is recovering from hand injury because they provide users with a safe environment where one can practice and improve hand stability as well as flexibility. The gloves are supposed to be used both at home and in clinics so that there is no interruption of progress. Thus, Taijie’s rehab robot gloves not only diminish time taken during recovery but also make it more fun since patients can watch their progress with interactive feedback from the machine itself.
Taijie aims at improving the quality of life not only in terms of clinical aspects but also considering user’s ability to have a good social and family life again. The robots gloves can be programmed differently depending on different situations so that they can give the user the feel of being back into society. Every little move forward is celebrated as an independence milestone with regards to our robot gloves.
東莞泰傑リハビリテーション機器有限公司 (Dongguan Taijie Rehabilitation Equipment Co., Ltd.)医療機器、リハビリテーション、スポーツ会社に従事する専門家で、広東省東莞市青渓町にあり、3500平方メートル以上の面積をカバーし、工場には152人の従業員がいます。医療機器やリハビリテーション機器の販売、開発、製造に12年の経験があります。工場はISO13485を通過しました。製品はCEおよびFDA認証に合格しています。すべての製品は、関連する医療システムISO13485品質管理認証基準に従って製造されており、世界の医療およびスポーツ界で高い評価を得ています。